• Memes to make you laugh and cry

    30 July 2021

    Hey! Have I featured any Cirque Du Freak memes recently?!?


    I have not! Time to rectify the situation!!!


    These four memes were shared with me by various fans. The first three will hopefully make you chuckle -- but be warned! The fourth may well leave you with a tear in your eye...


    Meme 1 -- by Festival of the Undead -- especially timely, given the release of the latest Fast & Furious movie.



    Meme 2 -- by Nicole -- for those misguided fools who refuse to believe that the casting agents for the Cirque Du Freak movie got a certain orange-haired vampire absolutely spot-on!



    Meme 3 -- by Darren (not me -- another Darren!) -- let's face it, when a Darren is right... he's right!!



    Meme 4 -- by Kammie -- have those hankies at the ready!!!



    For all the latest Darren Shan news, check out the July issue of my monthly newsletter: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly


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