• Memes to make you laugh and cry

    09 December 2022

    It's been a while since I featured some Cirque Du Freak memes, so here to rectify that situation are rib-ticklers from...


    TOG -- I realise this may still be too soon for many of you who are still recovering from the events of Killers Of The Dawn, but hell, it made ME chuckle... admittedly only after I'd winced!!!


    CIRCUS FREAK -- I struggle with this too, whenever I try to explain the BIG storylines of my series... especially when I'm chatting about The Demonata!!


    VERONICA -- all I'm saying, Veronica, is you better hope Vancha March never finds out your home address!!!!


    FESTIVAL OF THE UNDEAD -- "Festie" felt this summed up the plot-line of book 1 pretty neatly, and you know what, it kind of does, which makes me regret all those extraneous words that I wasted!!!





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