• Midsummer’s advert

    16 October 2019

    An advert for Midsummer's Bottom, my most recent release for adults under the name of Darren Dash, was featured recently in the Kirkus magazine and web site, on a list of 27 Great Indie Books Worth Discovering. Full disclosure -- it was a paid-for advert, not a list of books chosen by Kirkus. But to qualify to pay for the advert, your book had to have received a positive review on Kirkus in the past -- which Midsummer's Bottom DID happily get back when it was released. (I'm always nervous when I send a book to Kirkus to be reviewed, as they can be fairly savage at times!) The ad links to the review of the book, so you can easily check out what the reviewer had to say about it.




    For more info about my Darren Dash work, visit www.darrendashbooks.com which lists all the novels, tells you a bit about them, provides easy buying links, etc. etc. and indeed etc.!!!


    There's a new Dash book on the way in the near future, a Mickey Spillane-inspired piece of London-set noir. Stay tuned for updates...

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