• Midsummer’s sale - nearly over

    04 June 2020

    Although I'm best known as a writer of YA horror, I've written across all kinds of genres over the years, for adults as well as younger readers. Thrillers, sci-fi, fantasy, crime... I've had a crack at them all. But the one thing all of my different books have had in common is that they're DARK -- even when they're not horror, horrific things normally happen in my stories.


    And then Midsummer's Bottom came along! This one is as bright and carefree as a summer breeze -- appropriate, given that it's set in the summery run-up to Midsummer's Day. It focuses on a group of bad actors who put on an annual outdoors performance of Shakespeare's famous play, A Midsummer Night's Dream. In my take, every fairy mentioned in the play has to attend every performance that there's ever been, and they're sick to their back teeth of this particular group's mangling of it. So this year they've hired a human agent of chaos to infiltrate their ranks, turn the actors against one another, and turn it into a complete fiasco. Needless to say, things don't quite go according to plan...


    I wasn't sure if I'd be able to pull off a Comedy, but the reaction to Midsummer's Bottom was far more positive than I'd ever dared to dream. If you'd like to find out what the "Master of YA Horror" gets up to in his day job as a "Maestro of Mirth", the ebook is on sale at a big discount for a couple more days -- just $0.99 in the USA or £0.99 in the UK. Go on, give it a go, you know you want to... :-)


    USA: https://www.amazon.com/Midsummers-Bottom-Darren-Dash-ebook/dp/B07CHVFL1K/


    UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Midsummers-Bottom-Darren-Dash-ebook/dp/B07CHVFL1K/


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