• Mirror, mirror on the wall…

    27 July 2019

    If I was to run a poll to find out who the fans' favourite Vampire Prince was, I suspect Vancha March might emerge a clear favourite -- well, in his opinion he would anyway! In any event, he'd certainly place in the top 3 or 4... :-)


    I always loved writing Vancha's scenes -- he was one of those larger-than-life characters who was a joy to work with -- and I also love this drawing of him by a fan with the user name of Tu Jsem (or Chechulalala, depending on the social media site). I think it captures a lot that we all love about him, though Sire March would no doubt argue that it fails to boast his full rugged beauty...



    If you'd like to see more of the artist's work, check out their Facebook page over here: https://www.facebook.com/chechulaArt/

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