• Molls Like Hot ebooks!

    06 December 2019

    The eBook of Molls Like It Hot, my latest Darren Dash book for adults, in on sale through Amazon stores worldwide NOW. The link below should take you straight to the book on your local Amazon store, whether you live in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Japan, France, Germany, India, etc.




    The paperback edition will hopefully also be available soon -- that's taken a bit longer to line up than I had anticipated. I'll post an update once it's on sale, for those of you who would prefer to wait for a Moll that you can have and hold... :-)


    If you buy the book and enjoy it, please, PLEASE -- I'm begging you on my knees here! -- write a short review for it on Amazon, Goodreads, or some other review site. Word of mouth is vital for any writer, but when you're self-publishing, it's crucial -- you guys truly are the only real publicity tool at my disposal... :-)


    Oh, and here's the link for the Goodreads page, which a fan called Odette helped get up and running even before the book went on sale. It's looking a little bare at the moment (e.g. no cover image) but that should all change over the next few days. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/49088601-molls-like-it-hot


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