• More Cork summer snaps

    17 October 2021

    The Shans took a LOT of photos on our holiday down in Cork during the summer -- we were only there for a week, but by the amount of snaps we came home with, it seems like we were gone for a couple of months!! :-)


    The first two photos were taken at the Titanic Exhibition in Cobh, which was the last place that the doomed ship docked before setting out across the Atlantic. Mrs Shan and Dante visited the exhibition while I entertained Gaia in a nearby park. They said it was small but impressively put together, definitely worth doing if you're ever in the area.


    The third snap was taken on Youghal beach -- it's rare that the kids don't pop up in our photos these days, but we managed to sneak in at least one selfie without the pair of them during the holiday, a nice reminder of the good old times when we were a happy sprog-free couple!!! :-) :-) :-)


    The final pic features my daughter Gaia, being impossibly cute as only a 2 year old can be. :-)




    The October issue of my Shanville Monthly newsletter could never compete with Gaia in the cuteness stakes, but it is THE place to go for all the latest Darren Shan news and updates!!! :-) https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly





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