• More old signed books

    25 August 2022

    Fan have continued to send me photos of books of theirs that I signed in the past, so I'm going to keep sharing them with you guys, until we either all get bored of this or we perish of old age -- I strongly suspect it's going to be the latter!!! ������

    The first, which I signed for NATHAN, is one of the oldest signed and dated copies of one of my books that I've seen, harking all the way back to late 2001. Nathan was only 7 years old at the time, hence the unusually warm-hearted message from me!

    The second, from 2006, was signed for NIAMH, and features a far more typical message from me!!

    The third, from 2007, was signed for KATIE. I haven't actually read the What Katy Did Next book that I've referenced here, but it made for a beautifully grisly dedication regardless!!

    I'm especially proud of my message in the final photo, from 2010, signed for (a teacher, I assume) SARAH, who at the time went by the name of MS TERRY. As I've said before, I normally recycle messages for the dedications, but I love it when I can come up with something different and unique -- not easy, when there's a long line of fans waiting to have books signed, and you only have a minute or less to spend with each of them -- there just isn't time to site around being creative! But in this instance I managed to riff on Ms Terry's name -- "mystery" -- and I imagine I chuckled smugly to myself as I finished writing it. But Ms Terry has only gone and spoiled my magical moment by getting married and changing her surname to MS TIDLEY!!! Sometimes I wonder why I even bother... ��������





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