• Movie thoughts

    22 May 2013

    There were lots of posts over on my Twitter account last night, from UK fans who caught the "Cirque Du Freak" movie on ITV2. I know lots of hardcore Shansters hated the film, but I have to be honest -- I liked it. As film adaptations go (and I think a film always needs to be compared with other films, not with books) I think it worked quite well, and although you might not know it by reading boards where most of the users are full-on Shansters, there are actually lots of people out there who thought so too -- I meet quite a few new fans on tour who had never heard of me, but saw the film, enjoyed it, and decided to check out the books -- which for me is the best thing about having a book adapted. Of course I would have liked it to have been more faithful, and I think it might have fared better if it had been, but Hollywood works to its own rules and I'm of the opinion that you either accept that and go along for the ride, or just don't watch films of books you like. As for the actors, I thought they were well-cast overall, but John C Reilly for me was the standout -- I thought he was excellent as Mr Crepsley. He also really got into the books -- he read them all, and kept trying (with very limited success) to get the makers to be more faithful to them.

    Anyway, if you happen to be in Ireland this weekend, come see me at the Dublin Writers Festival on Sunday May 26th at 4pm if you can make it, where you can throw a question or two about the film my way if you wish. I'll also be answering questions about my books, of course!!! http://www.dublinwritersfestival.com/event/zom-b-with-darren-shan

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  • Comments

    No AvatarAlex
    15, Jun, 2022
    Something I can't help but rewatch, hope something changes to get more in the future
    No AvatarSamantha
    02, Aug, 2024
    I did love the movie until I read the books and realized that the movie is an absolute injustice when compared to the book. It should be a series of movies on HBO or something equivalent and allowed to be able to stay closer to the books that these movies are made to represent.

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