• Mr Crepsley reminder

    12 December 2022

    I still get occasional shocked messages from fans of Cirque Du Freak who weren’t aware that I wrote 4 books about Mr Crepsley and his life over the course of the two centuries before he met Darren. The Saga of Larten Crepsley. So every so often I like to share a post like this one, just in case YOU are one of those Shansters living in ignorant bliss!!! ������

    You should be able to order the books through your local bookstore, or get them online from Amazon or a similar store, or second hand through a site like Abebooks or Alibris. I think they’re on sale as ebooks too. While very differently paced and structured to the original Saga, they’ve tickled the fancy of the vast majority of my fans who’ve read them. They answer a lot of big questions from the first series - such as how Mr Crepsley became a vampire, how he rose through the ranks, and why he walked away from the clan when he did - and also, as an added treat, show who would win in a fight between Mr Crepsley and Vancha March!

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