• Mr Ripley’s Enchanted Books

    02 December 2021

    There's a fun "battle" currently taking place over on Mr Ripley's Enchanted Books. Every year for the last dozen years, Mr Ripley picks a wide variety of covers from children's books, and invites fans to vote for their favourite. A decade ago, Birth Of A Killer (the first book in my Saga Of Larten Crepsley series) walked away with the top prize.


    This year another of my book covers is in the running -- this time it's the cover for Archibald Lox And The Forgotten Crypt, the fourth book of my most recent series, put together by the talented Liam Fitzgerald of Frequency Design. It's one of the six covers doing battle in Round Four of the competition, and it's currently trailing the front-runners by quite a wide margin, so it desperately needs YOUR support, along with the support of as many members of your family and friends that you can get to vote for it!!!


    Ah, I'm only kidding! This is a very nice challenge, and the other five covers are lovely, so feel free to vote for whichever one you think best deserves to be put forward -- I won't mind if it's not Archie -- although I'll be delighted if it IS. :-)


    You can view all six covers, and cast your vote for your favourite, by clicking here: https://www.mrripleysenchantedbooks.com/2021/11/mr-ripleys-enchanted-books-childrens_29.html


    May the best cover (*cough* MINE!!! *cough*) win!!!!


    The Christmas issue of my monthly newsletter went live online yesterday -- lots of news. plus my last competition of the year. You can read it here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly


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