• Name… not Lefty… name… Harkat Meme!!

    18 December 2019

    It's been almost two weeks since our last Cirque Du Freak meme -- far too long, I hear you cry! So let's redress the situation with the soulful little number that was shared with me a while back by a fan called Tog. I know not everyone approved of the way the Little People were depicted in the movie, and especially of the fact that Harkat was called by his name when that shouldn't have happened until much later in the storyline (I too think that was a big mistake on their part), but hey, look into those eyes and tell me your heart doesn't swell just a teeny eeny bit!!! :-)



    My latest Darren Dash novel for adults, the fast-paced and twist-packed noir thriller, Molls Like It Hot, is on sale though Amazon stores worldwide NOW, either as a paperback or ebook. To find out more, click here: www.darrendashbooks.com




    My annual Christmas short story, SHANTA CLAUS, is back again on my website for the duration of the yuletide period -- read it swiftly before it vanishes into the internet ether for another year! https://www.darrenshan.com/extras

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