• National Prince day!

    18 November 2020

    I've featured a lot of fan art on my site, blog, Facebook and Twitter pages over the last 20 years, but I don't think there's ever been a day until now when I was able to dedicate a post to the Vampire Princes and be able to feature four pieces of art by four different Shansters!


    We're kicking off our Princely post with a group shot of Paris, Mika, Arrow and Vancha, beautifully composed and drawn by Dina.



    Everyone's favourite green-haired Prince, Vancha March, was dashingly drawn by Aeka.



    Mika Ver Leth is without doubt the most stylish of the Princes (though Vancha, of course, would beg to differ!), and a fan with the Twitter name of InkyAnchor has shown him masking up in style for these Covid-troubled times.



    And finally, drawn by Courtney, there's a pensive-looking Kurda Smahlt, who (SPOILERS!!! LOOK AWAY NOW IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE VAMPIRE PRINCE!!!) fell just short of the mark. Some wouldn't have him here at all, I know, but I'm pretty sure that every Prince will gladly stand him a round in Vampire Paradise when they're all there together, so I don't think they'll begrudge him a place in their company here...



    There are Princes (and Princesses!) galore in my Archibald Lox books, though they're of a VERY different calibre to my vampish royals. If you'd like to find out more about them, click here to find out where you can buy the first Volume: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly

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