• Nearly the end of the summer snaps

    18 December 2022

    I've shared lots of photos of the Shan clan's summer holiday to London. We're almost at the end of their run, but here are four more harking back to warmer, drier days.

    The first was taken on July 2nd, the day of my 50th birthday -- I know, it's hard to believe I'm a day over 49, isn't it?!? I didn't want to have a big celebration, so we went for a picnic in St James' Park. We were joined by my ex-publicist and good friend, Elizabeth Eulberg, who is now a very successful author herself.

    The second was taken in Chessington World Of Adventures, and sees Dante and Gaia posing on the knees of a ginormous green gorilla!

    The third was taken on the Tube, and features Mrs Shan showing off her pearly whites, and Gaia for some reason showing off her tonsils!!

    The final one was taken in Kew Gardens, in what I thought was a very cool little tunnel that they'd constructed -- Dante, on the other hand, seems rather less than impressed!!





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