• Newstalk - favourite books

    16 May 2024

    I appeared on The Hard Shoulder, a show on Irish radio station NEWSTALK, earlier this week. I talked about two of my favourite books -- longtime fans of mine probably won't be too suprised by my choices, but newer fans might be caught off-guard by at least one of them! I also mentioned what I was reading at the moment, and we covered some other stuff too.


    The interview has been archived as a podcast, so you can now listen to it at your leisure, no matter where you live in the world, by clicking on the following link: https://www.newstalk.com/podcasts/highlights-from-the-hard-shoulder/the-bookshelf-with-darren-shan


    Enjoy!! And do feel free to share YOUR recommendations with me in reply to this -- I'm always on the lookout for good new books to read...


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