• No Shaving zone!

    06 February 2023

    Today was a bank holiday in Ireland (for St Brigid's Day), so my kids were off school. Mrs Shan and I decided to take them swimming, as they both love splashing about and are really strong swimmers. The pool we went to is one we've been to many times before, but today, for the first time, I decided to check out the sauna and steam room. They were fine, and I wouldn't be mentioning them at all, except as I was getting into the sauna, I spotted a sign on the door...


    Is this a thing?!? Are there really people out there who turn up at their public saunas with a razor and shaving gel?!? What a world, what a world!!! I could imagine Vancha March or Lady Evanna doing this, but normal, well-adjusted humans?!?!?������

    In other news... this is the final day of my big Archibald Lox eBook SALE -- all three of the omnibus Volume collections are on sale at BIG discounts. It's never before been this cheap to read the entire series, or catching up on the later entries if you've only read the first part of the storyline. For more info about the sale, and some handy direct buying links, click here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly


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