• Now on Smashwords…

    07 December 2022

    SMASHWORDS is a familiar site for any self-published author. An indie eBooks alternative to Amazon for almost 15 years, it offers attractive terms to those who sell through its store, and is much beloved by readers who don't wish to take their business to the major online behemoths.


    I'm delighted to be able to announce that all of my ARCHIBALD LOX eBooks are now on sale through Smashwords. You get the best deals on the three omnibus Volumes, each of which collects three of the nine books in the series -- but if you'd prefer to pay a bit more and buy them as nine individual books, you can do that too. The first book, Archibald Lox and the Bridge Between Worlds is always FREE, so if you're unsure about committing to the series, you can download it and try before you buy!!


    This is the link for the page where you can see all of the books, and where you can either buy immediately or find out more about them, i.e. read synopses and snippets of reviews:




    Of course, if for whatever reason you'd prefer to buy through a different store, the books are on sale through a wide variety of sellers -- Amazon, Apple, B&N, Google Play, Kobo, etc. It makes no real difference to me financially where you source them, so please feel free to buy wherever works best for YOU.


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