• October 2024 competition winners

    16 October 2024

    I've just now drawn the winners of my October competition, and it threw up a statistical anomaly that I can't recall ever having run into before over the course of the twenty-five years that I've been running competitions!!


    First up, the two lucky winners are, in the order drawn...


    REBECCA PROENZA, from the USA.

    REBEKAH FARMER, from the UK.


    See what I'm talking about?!? TWO Rebecca's!!!! OK, they spell the name differently, but still!! There were more than 400 entries, so the odds against the two winners having the same first name must be astronomical!! Could it truly have been mere coincidence... or might FATHER, that super-computer from the future, have jerry-rigged the draw in order to let us know that he's keeping a very close eye on things here in the past?!?


    Either way, I'll ship out the signed books to the two Rebekah's later this week or just after the weekend, and hopefully that's the last we'll hear from Father! BUT if the winners in my next competition also have the same first name... we'll know we're in trouble!!!!


    Thanks to everyone who took part, and better luck next time to those who didn't win on this occasion.


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