• Penultimate Lanzarote snaps

    16 October 2022

    The Lanzarote photos are ALMOST at an end! Just four more this week, then another four next week, and we'll be done -- phew!!! For anyone you hasn't seen those I've already posted... the Shans went on holiday to (yes!) Lanzarote back in June, and I've been slowly uploading a selection of the MANY photos we snapped while over there.

    Today's first photo features my daughter Gaia and my Dad, Liam. He's in pretty good shape for a guy pushing 80! I hope I can say the same thing thirty years from now, but, hey, I've always had a sweet tooth and a weak will when it comes to guilty snacking, so I'm pretty sure (assuming I'm still on the scene) I'll be able to say nothing of the sort!!!

    We stayed in a hotel called the Gran Castillo Tagoro, which was very nice. Gaia went to the min-disco every night, and loved it (our son Dante has never been into them). She insisted on going up to meet the hotel mascot, Tagorin (pronounced something like Zach-er-een) every night, and here's one of the photos we took of them, with Mrs Shan roped in as well.

    The third pic captures the Shans messing around in front of the camera, as we so often are. Dante is DEFINITELY just point to his Mum in this photo. He's absolutely NOT giving the camera the finger. Such a thing would never even cross the innocent little boy's mind. Ahem!!!

    The final one is a nice black and white photo of Mrs Shan and the two kids. Although seeing the three of them like this does make me think, "Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil..."





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