• Public event at Bourne Hall, Ewell, Surrey

    08 January 2011

    I am doing a public event on Friday, February 25th (during mid-term, so schools should be closed) at 11.30am at Bourne Hall, Spring Street, Ewell, Surrey, KT17 1UF. I will be doing some readings and answering questions for approximately one hour, then signing books afterwards. You can buy books on the day or bring along books from home. I am happy to sign as many books as anyone wants. Tickets are available through the Surrey County Council website: http://www.surreycc.gov.uk/sccwebsite/sccwspages.nsf/LookupWebPagesByTITLE_RTF/Darren+Shan+-+master+of+horror+-+at+Bourne+Hall+Ewell?opendocument

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    OK folks, this is a mixed news post -- potentially good long-term news, but mixed in with some...

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