• Q&A in Budapest

    25 August 2024

    A fan in the crowd recorded the whole of my Q&A at the event in Budapest yesterday. It runs 46 minutes in total, but that includes the translations to my answers -- if you fast forward through those (as I assume all non-Hungarian speakers will), you should shave a good 20 minutes or so off the running time.


    There was a scheduled interview to begin with, where I was asked questions by the interviewer on stage, then we threw it open to the crowd. We covered LOTS of ground and touched on all sorts of topics. It's been a long time since I did a public Q&A like this, and very few of those back in the day were ever fully recorded, so this is a rare chance to catch me in action and hear me speak on a wide variety of subjects.


    Click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OKhJXW54ZM


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