• Rabbit in the headlights

    25 November 2019

    This is a really sweet post by a blogger called Liam, who got invited onto the BBC to chat about children's books. It details his nerves, what happened on the day, the books he talked about (there's a certain familiar demon master in among the mix), and so on. It reminded me of how I felt when I first started doing interviews twenty or so years ago. I got used to it over time, and these days I barely blink, but back then it was a whole new and unnerving world. I was this guy who had been drawing the dole (unemployment benefits) up to very recently, I still lived with my parents and did my writing in my bedroom, I hadn't really travelled outside of the UK and Ireland, I was very shy and not used to speaking to anyone outside of my small group of friends and close family... Yeah, it was a real culture shock, and Liam's post captures that better than I ever did at the time.





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