• Reaching the reluctant

    10 July 2023

    There was a lovely post on TwitLonger a while back, from a reader called JAMES PENDLEY, who used to hate reading, until his teacher told him (and the rest of his class) that he had to pick a book series to read and then write an essay about. James chose Cirque Du Freak, and forced himself to start reading, expecting it to be an agonising assignment -- instead he fell in love with the story, which led him to revise his view of reading, and he's even started writing! It's a great essay, and you can read the whole thing, in James's own words, by clicking on this link:




    As a writer, it's always extra special when you manage to connect with a "reluctant reader" and turn them on to the love of reading. I was always a natural reader, and never thought anything of trying new books and authors. But if a person hasn't been introduced to the love of reading early in life, and grows up seeing the world of books as an alien world, one they want nothing to do with, and then are nevertheless drawn into it against their will by the sheer power of a story... It's a very special achievement when that happens, and one that always touches me deeply when one of MY books proves to be the book that changes a mind and maybe even the direction of a life.


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