• Reddit AMA marathon

    27 July 2022

    Ay carumba!!! The Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) last night was CRAZY!!! I'd agreed to spend two hours answering questions, and was worried that I might be fiddling my thumbs for much of that time, as I wasn't sure how many people would get involved.


    I sat at my PC, typing away madly for four hours, from 7pm to 11pm Irish time. And guess what? Loads more questions came in after I'd finished, so I'm back at my PC again today, ploughing through those that came in after the official end time. (I could be all officious and say that those who missed the deadline can't expect an answer, but you guys know that just isn't my style!)

    Thanks so much to everyone who took part. This really blew me away, and made me feel... well... relevant again!! The last few years have been a very quiet time for me -- as a self-published series, Archibald Lox hasn't enjoyed anywhere near as much exposure as my other books, so neither have I. This took me back to the days when I was bestriding the world like a gory literary colossus, and it was fun to play that part again, even if only for a short while.

    Anyway, I'm going to get back to answering those excess questions. If you want to have a look through the hundreds of questions and answers from yesterday and today (the thread's still open, so you could even lob another question or two at me, if you're quick about it!), click here: https://old.reddit.com/r/books/comments/w8p1eh/im_the_author_darren_shan_and_im_here_to/

    Oh, and don't forget that the FINAL book of my Archibald Lox series went on sale yesterday, meaning you can now read the series in its entirety. Get on that case ASAP!!!! :-)


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