• Remember you’re a WOMBO!!

    18 December 2021

    A few Shansters have been experimenting with WOMBO Dream recently, using the AI (artificial intelligence) app to create paintings inspired by my works. The results have been intriguing -- they remind me somewhat of the work of one of my favourite artists, Dave McKean.


    I'll share images in the future that were based on books or characters of mine, but I'm kicking things off on the WOMBO front by featuring three pieces that were based on... ME!! Three artists (programmers??) called Danny, Maisie and Morgan (in the order in which the images appear) used the name of Darren Shan to generate their paintings, and I think all three are good enough to hang proudly on the walls of Mr Tiny's base, that we saw in book 12 of the series, Sons Of Destiny!! :-)


    Speaking of Mr Tiny... he pops up briefly (at least, his voice does!) in my SHANTA CLAUS short story, which is back on my site for its short annual appearance -- and this definitely WASN'T written by an AI programme!!! :-) Click on the following link before it disappears again for another year shortly after Christmas Day: https://darrenshan.com/extras/feature/short-stories-shanta-claus-only-available-at-christmas-yuletide-favourite2




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