• Reviews That Burn - Hunters trilogy

    16 January 2023

    A reviewer on REVIEWS THAT BURN, which is an offshoot of the Books That Burn podcast, has been working their way through my Saga Of Darren Shan / Cirque Du Freak series, reviewing each book in turn. I've shared links for the first 6 in previous posts -- now here are the links for the reviews of Books 7, 8 and 9.

    Book 7: https://reviews.booksthatburn.com/2022/05/shan-dusk.html

    Book 8: https://reviews.booksthatburn.com/2022/06/shan-allies.html

    Book 9: https://reviews.booksthatburn.com/2022/06/shan-dawn.html

    The reviewer is careful not to give any spoilers away, though that does mean that, unlike with the reviews for the earlier books in the series, these reviews involve more recapping than in-depth analysis of the stories. It's a tricky task, reviewing book 9 of a series -- I don't envy the reviewer one tiny bit!!!

    I did treat myself to a wry little smile near the end of the review for book 9, when the reviewer carefully notes that "the ending has a lot of very stressful stuff happening. It's brutal, physically and emotionally for the characters, and emotionally for me as a reader." I don't know WHAT scene they might be referring to. Do YOU?!? :-)


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