• Saint Benedict CVA

    15 April 2022

    The students of Saint Benedict CVA in Derby (in the UK) have been studying Cirque Du Freak, and using it as a launch pad for some fun homework assignments.


    The first, second and fourth photos, by Grace, Lara and Mazal respectively, show examples of the letter that Darren wrote to Mr Crepsley when stealing Madam Octa. (Some astute fans have asked me, from time to time, how Mr Crepsley knew what was in the letter, since it was revealed later in the series that he can't read. The answer, of course, is that he took it to Mr Tall, who read it out to him.)


    The third photo, by Leen, is a cool recreation of the cemetery that features at the end of the book.


    Excellent work, everyone -- A stars all round as far as I'm concerned!!!!





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