Sales’ end
17 July 2019"A well-written and disturbing piece of fiction that explores relationships and delves into the deepest corners of the human mind. The plot reads like an international horror movie, enticing the reader with a series of detailed and comedic chapters before exploding into a vision of blood-chilling gore." Books, Films & Random Lunacy.
All good things must come to an end, and so we reach the finale of my summer Darren Dash eBook sales. Over the past month, I've placed all four of my Dash books for adult readers on sale at different times, and today those sales end with my grisly horror novel Sunburn. It usually retails for $2.99 in the USA and £1.99 in the UK, but during the sale I've reduced the price to $0.99 and £0.99 respectively. If you'd like to nab it at a real bargain price, click on the following link to be taken to your local Amazon store, but make sure you act quickly before the sale ends!
Although the sale is only valid on Amazon USA and Amazon UK (sorry!), the eBook of Sunburn is on sale through Amazon stores worldwide at a very reasonable price. Sunburn is also available as a paperback worldwide, or you can read it for FREE if you're a member of Kindle Unlimited.