• Sanctuary Runners

    18 October 2024

    That's Mrs Shan looking fabulous in the attached photo!! The reason I'm posting it?!? Well, basically, she is involved with Sanctuary Runners, a solidarity-through-sport movement with a particular focus on community integration, especially of refugees and asylum seekers. Started in Ireland in 2018, the group now has over 20,000 people who've taken part in one of their events since they started, and 40 groups in Ireland who run or walk weekly - more info about that here: https://sanctuaryrunners.ie/


    Tomorrow, Saturday 19th October 2024, they've organised a massive Global Solidarity Run. Their aim is to get 1 million people running, jogging, walking or rolling to show solidarity with all those who are forcibly displaced and living in extreme poverty. This is an opportunity for people to show solidarity with refugees and those seeking safety and sanctuary across the planet. The event is sponsored by Irish Aid and the Ireland Funds.


    There are people taking part all across the globe. So far they have refugees, diplomatic missions, sporting organisations, charities, NGOs, University groups and individuals running in more than 70 countries, and I think it would be really cool if some of you SHANSTERS took part too!!!


    If you'd like to take part, it couldn't be more simple:


    1. Wear blue


    2. Run, Jog, Walk (or roll using a device with wheels) any distance (they're suggesting 5km, but you can choose to go longer or shorter)


    3. You can do it individually or in a small group


    4. Post a picture of yourself (or your group) taking part on social media using the hashtag #globalrun2024 on Saturday, October 19th or email the content to be posted to [email protected]


    4a: You can also tag ME in it too if you wish, and if you'd like to have something Darren Shan related in the photo (e.g. one of my books), all the better!! And if it's a book with a BLUE cover, even better yet!!!! You can tag me using @darrenshan on Twitter/X or @darrenshanverified on Facebook.


    5. This is an event to show solidarity so there is NO fundraising involved whatsoever and NO registration. All they're asking is that you take part, post a photo to show solidarity, and ideally let all your friends and family know about it as well, if you think they might be interested


    For more info about the run, click here: https://www.ireland.ie/en/irish-aid/global-solidarity-run/


    I'll be showing my support for refugees and asylum seekers tomorrow. I hope some of you guys will too. Hey, maybe we'll even get a few Vampire Generals or Princes out on the roads too -- Harkat Mulds must surely be a shoo-in, given that he wears blue ALL the time!!!!! :-)


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    That's Mrs Shan looking fabulous in the attached photo!! The reason I'm posting it?!? Well,...

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