• Screen Rant - Selma Hayek horror movies

    30 December 2021

    A couple of months ago, ScreenRant listed and ranked, from worst to best, "every" horror movie featuring the fabulous actress, Selma Hayek. I stuck quotation marks around "every" because she's only actually been in FOUR horror movies, so, y'know, the heading is a bit of an over-pitch in my opinion... :-)


    Cirque Du Freak doesn't get a favourable mention, coming in bottom of the very short pile, though the reporter does state that "Hayek is fun as the bearded lady Madame Truska," and I'd definitely agree with that. While opinions vary on a lot of the cast (and, once again for the record, I think John C Reilly was great as Mr Crepsley, so I disagree with the article's dismissal of him as being miscast) I can't recall anyone declaring any misgivings about the occasionally hirsute Ms Hayek -- she nailed it!!!


    To read the ScreenRant article, click here: https://screenrant.com/salma-hayek-horror-movies-ranked-worst-best/



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