• Second Bec tour

    10 June 2024

    I hosted my second Bec Tour of Craggaunowen Park yesterday, with a lovely guy called ADAM, who's been a fan of my books for many, many years. We spent a relaxed couple of hours strolling around the park, as I explained how it had inspired many of the scenes in the book, and read out lots of short extracts from it. We also spent a good bit of time chatting with the artisans who bring characters from the past to life, and that was fasinating too -- no matter how many times I visit Craggaunowen, I always learn something new!


    We concluded the tour with scones and drinks from the cafe, and spent quite a bit of time chatting there as well -- oh, and I signed Adam's books of course! Here are a couple of photos that we took at the end, along with one of me with Adam when we met back in 2009 for the release of Hell's Heroes -- Adam's hardly changed a bit in the last 15 years, has he?!? :-)


    If YOU would like to go on a private Bec tour with me, drop me a line at [email protected] and I can let you know how we can make it happen.




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