• Seven Horror Books for Young Readers

    14 April 2022

    The website Novel Suspects featured a post a while back entitled Seven Horror Books For Young Readers. The title pretty much tells the whole story, although I would note that these all seem to be more aimed at teenagers rather than pre-teens. Still, plenty of good recommendations here, leading off with probably the finest YA Horror novel ever written... Cirque Du Freak!!!!


    Heh heh!! That blatant bit of shameless self-promotion WAS delivered with tongue firmly in cheek! While I always love praise of any kind when it's lavished on a book of mine, I'd never seriously dare suggest myself that one of my books was The Best of any sort. I'm a modest kind of guy, as any vampire of good standing should be.


    And since I'm so modest, I also feel that it behooves me to point out that Novel Suspects is actually a site run by my American publishers, LittleBrown (part of the Hachette group), so, y'know, this isn't the most IMPARTIAL of lists... :-) :-) :-)


    You can check out the full list here: https://www.novelsuspects.com/book-list/seven-horror-books-for-young-readers/


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