• Shanentine’s Day

    25 February 2020

    Valentine's Day has come and gone, so I'm either a couple of weeks late with these, or 50 weeks early for next year's day of love! :-)

    These were drawn by Amity Lee, for those fans of my Cirque Du Freak books who were looking for love and were maybe interested in setting up a theoretical Valentine's Day date with one of the ladies from that series -- although, to be fair, I think these can be enjoyed by everyone, at any time.

    I'm always amazed by Amity Lee's artistic talent, but her sense of humour is equally as impressive here. Make sure you read all the text as well as admire the pictures of the Lovely Girls. (That's a tongue-in-cheek Fr Ted reference, which I'm throwing in because I heard on the radio on Sunday that it was the third and final day of TedFest, the Aran Islands annual Fr Ted-inspired festival.)





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