• Shanta Claus is here!

    16 December 2019

    Ho! Ho!! Ho!!! It's that time of year again, when Shanta Claus pays a visit to my web site!


    I wrote a fun, short yuletide story many years ago, featuring some of the characters from my first three vampire books, and since then it's expanded to include references to pretty much every YA book or series that I've released, as well as my books for adults (whether published under the Darren Shan or Darren Dash name). It's the only place in the Darren Shan universe where there are crossovers between my various fictional worlds, where Lord Loss can rub shoulders with B Smith and Mr Crepsley. I also usually use it to take the opportunity to update fans on what they might expect from me in the near future, and if there are any adaptations of my books in the works -- so if you read through it carefully, you might turn out to be one or two steps ahead of the rest of the gang when it comes to possible big news stories in 2020...


    The Shanta Claus story is seasonal, and will only be online until shortly after Christmas Day, so don't dilly dally -- click on the following link ASAP! Oh, and while you're there, you can also find some Shan Christmas Songs, and a Shanified version of Twas The Night Before Christmas -- but those links will only show if you've been a good girl or boy in 2019, so if you don't see anything there, it means you're going to be in trouble on Christmas Day!!!!





    There's a mention of my latest Darren Dash novel for adults in the story. If you're interested in finding out more about that, pay a visit to www.darrendashbooks.com

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