• Shanville Monthly April 2023

    03 April 2023

    The April issue of my Shanville Monthly newsletter went live online at the weekend. It's another jam-packed edition, neatly summing up all that's been going on in the world of Shan over the last 31 days. I did a major interview with the Alizee Yeezy show, which you can either watch on YouTube or listen to as a podcast on Spotify... You can watch a very funny recap of the Cirque Du Freak movie, which may just be even more fun than the film itself, and which has been seen by more than 1.3 million people already!!... I have updates (and photos) relating to the upcoming release of Archibald Lox Volume One in Hungary... photos of cosplaying Shansters and tattooed Shansters... and lots more!


    Click here to read for free: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly


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