• Shanville Monthly - Christmas 2021 issue

    01 December 2021

    The Christmas issue of my Shanville Monthly newsletter just went live online. It contains all the latest Darren Shan news and updates from the last thirty days, including hot-off-the-press info about an upcoming mid-December SALE...


    There's also a new COMPETITION which you can enter, my last of 2021...


    Plus a timely reminder to keep an eye out for that grisly-looking guy-in-red in the photo, who'll be hitting my website about a week before Christmas, for a short, yuletide-linked stay...


    Be afraid!! Be very ho-ho-ho-ing afraid!!!! :-) :-) :-)




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  • A short delay

    from Darren's Blog on 25 July 2024

    OK folks, this is a mixed news post -- potentially good long-term news, but mixed in with some...

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  • TOUR details - see Shanville Monthly

    from Events on 06 August 2017

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