• Some differently themed family photos - at last!

    05 July 2020

    We've had a lot of Shan-clan-strolling-in-the-countryside photos over the last few weeks, so in an attempt to break with the tradition -- even if only temporarily -- here are some quirkier photos from the last month or two.


    During lockdown, we took part in a Zoom quiz with a number of family members every Saturday afternoon for several weeks, before restrictions started the ease (and football returned to the TV!). It was mostly myself and Mrs Shan chipping in with answers, but sometimes Gaia got involved too!



    The second photo was taken in our local forest park in Curraghchase -- a sad memento of the troubled times we're going through. The graffiti was drawn with chalk, so it will wash away fairly swiftly -- I only hope we can get rid of the virus just as fast.



    The third photo harks back to when we hatched caterpillars into butterflies with our son Dante. One of the butterflies alighted on my fingers before taking off -- an utterly bewitching moment, I must admit.



    In the final photo, our daughter Gaia scratched her cheek a few weeks back, and Mrs Shan thought it looked like Mr Crepsley's scar. I could have pointed out that it's on the wrong cheek (left, not right, a mistake made by many fans when they're drawing him) but a clever husband knows when to keep his lip zipped! :-)


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