• Splashing around in Lanzarote

    09 October 2022

    More photos from the Shan clan's trip to Lanzarote back in June, and this time I've gone for a swimming pool theme. We spent a LOT of our time on hols in the water -- Gaia was especially thrilled to be able to swim outdoors, and would be in the pool for about two hours in the morning, and another couple of hours in the afternoon. I was with her for most of those sessions, and although she took to them... well, swimmingly!!!... the top of my head got sunburnt after a couple of days! I suppose it was never going to end well, given my vampiric genes... :-) :-) :-)

    The first photo captures all four of us in one of our hotel's pools -- my son Dante, like myself, isn't too keen on being photographed, and is mounting a cover-up protest!!!

    The next two photos feature myself and my daughter Gaia, messing about in the water.

    The final photo was taken when we visited a nearby water park. Dante is one again in a protestful mood -- I think Mrs Shan did remarkably well to capture him a split second before he could raise a middle finger!! Daddy Shan, meanwhile, is wearing a most decidedly unfetching hat that he was forced to nip to the shops to buy to prevent further sun damage to the top of his noggin!! Hey, it might make me look like the fashion world's most unloved distant relative, but it did its job and I've held onto it for our next trip abroad, when I'll no doubt be needing it again!!!!





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