• St Patricks Day photos

    22 March 2020

    Although St Patricks Day was pretty much cancelled in Ireland this year, because of that loathsome Coronavirus, Mrs Shan and the kids dressed in green for a little parade in our back garden. I posted a short video of that during the week -- scroll back to my post on the 17th if you didn't catch it first time round -- and here are a few photos to go with that, of the Shan clan in all their greenish glory!


    "Hey!" I hear you mutter. "What about YOU, Shan-man?!? Why weren't you out parading with the rest of the clan?!?"


    Well, I did nip out to film the parade -- that video didn't shoot itself, you know! -- but otherwise I was beavering away in my office. I'm not getting to squeeze in as much work-time as normal, since I'm helping out more now that Dante is off school and we're in full-on social distancing mode, so I need to fire away like mad any chance I get. I could down-tools entirely, of course, but as I said during the week, I'm lining up a little something to help pass a bit of that extra time on our hands that so many people are having to deal with now. Hopefully I'll clear that to go within the next few days, then I can put my feet up and go into full-on child-minder mode...


    Well, maybe not QUITE full-on -- I think I'd go properly stir-crazy without a couple of hours or so of writing time most days! I'll have to find a way to fit the words in around Dante and Gaia -- or the other way round!!! :-)




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