• St Vincents event

    08 April 2024

    Now that the kids are back at school after the Easter holidays (hurrah!!!) I thought I'd mention again that I'm available to do online events with schools/libraries around the world, as I did with the students of ST VINCENTS PRIMARY SCHOOL a while back -- I've attached a couple of photos that the staff took during the event.


    Teachers and librarians set up these events in different ways. Sometimes they gather all the students in a large room or hall with a big screen projection, but in this case the students stayed in their classrooms and joined in through smaller screens. I'm always happy to work around whatever best suits any particular school's needs. All I need is to be able to see and hear the kids! :-)


    If YOU are a teacher or librarian, anywhere in the world, and are interested in setting up an online Darren Shan event, feel free to drop me an enquiry. You can contact me by email: [email protected]


    My online events run for 30-35 minutes. I do a reading, chat about myself a bit, then take questions from the students. They're always fun, and always FREE -- I don't charge anything for them. And the more students you can involve, the better -- it's always more exciting playing to a larger crowd!!



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