• Stained glass hero

    05 September 2019

    I stumbled upon this stunning visualization of Mr Crepsley online a while ago, and it's a depiction of him that I don't recall ever seeing the like of before -- done as an illustration on a stained glass window!


    This blew my mind -- just when I start to think there's nothing my fans can do to surprise me, they always find a way. It was drawn by a fan with the user name of Korihi, and you can check out more of the artist's work over on their web page -- including similar stained glass versions of Darren Shan, Steve Leopard and Kurda Smahlt. I was going to include all four portraits here, but figured it would be nicer to drive visitors towards the artist's page, so go click on the following link ASAP -- trust me, you won't regret it -- all four pieces are amazing! https://moows.com/u/my_cola_life



    The September issue of the Shanville Monthly went live last weekend. If you haven't check it out yet, for all the latest Darren Shan news and updates, you can find it here: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly/

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