• Summer and November snaps

    05 March 2023

    I'm just back from a lovely day-trip to my local beach in Ballybunion with the family. While we mainly go there during the summer months, we do try to nip back at least once in the winter time, on a fresh but clear day, and always have a fabulous time when we do. No, we don't go for a swim, but hey, we don't do that in the summer either, as the water there is ALWAYS freezing!!! �� I'll probably be sharing photos from the trip several months from now, as I have a BIG backlog of snaps to work through! In the meantime, here are a few from last summer and November.

    We went to stay with Babcia (Mrs Shan's mother) in July, and Dante and Mrs Shan went ice skating on one of the days -- Gaia and I went to a soft play area at the same time, as no amount of money would ever tempt me to go and risk my neck on a pair of ice skates!!!

    During that same holiday, Mrs Shan and Dante again snuck off my themselves, this time to go and see the My Neighbour Totoro stage show in the Barbican. They absolutely loved it. Was I jealous of not being able to go, despite the fact that I saw the film of Totoro back in the late 80s or early 90s, long before it picked up its huge following in the Western world, and that I was the one who introduced it to Mrs Shan and the kids??? You better bet I was!!!! I'm too nice, that's my problem!!!

    The third was taken when we visited Legoland in November. Great rides, and amazing fireworks, but Gaia's highlight was having her photo taken with the dinosaur mascot!!!

    Finally, back in the summer again, Mrs Shan and I enjoyed a VERY rare night out without the kids, and celebrated with a glass of bubbly. Cheers!!!!





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