• Tales From the Folly

    17 May 2021

    A fan of my books PLUS Ben Aaronovitch's books wrote to me recently on Twitter to say that I'd been mentioned in one of his works. The fan's name is Scott, and the book in question is called Tales From The Folly. It's a collection of short stories, and one of them, The Cockpit, is set in a bookstore. According to Scott, in the story, one of the characters mentions that her niece preferred Darren Shan over Harry Potter. That niece has good taste -- and so does Mr Aaronovitch! :-)


    I haven't yet read any of the Rivers of London books -- maybe it's time to start... :-)


    Here's a link to the book on Amazon, for anyone who's interested in checking it out: https://www.amazon.com/Tales-Folly-Rivers-London-Collection-ebook/dp/B08BW6LCPH/



    In the May issue of my monthly newsletter -- THREE new books... Cirque Du Freak manga... a Darren Shan inspired album... and lots, lots more: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly

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