• Tattoo Tuesday - Alexis

    26 April 2022

    It's Tattoo Tuesday time again! Today's offering was shared with us by a fan called Alexis. This is her first tattoo, but she say's she's planning to get lots more, and to embellish the area around this one -- so watch this space for future developments!!!


    "Even in death may you be triumphant" is my most-tattooed quote, and one that I've also signed in lots and lots of books over the years. I'm doing my first in-the-flesh event in, like, FOREVER, this coming Saturday, in Tunbridge Wells in the UK. If any of you are coming along, and you specifically want me to use that line in my dedication, just let me know -- I normally tend to only use it in book 9, Killers Of The Dawn, since it fits that one so perfectly, but I'm always happy to stick it in any of my other vampire books if requested.


    For more info about that event, and to book tickets if you can make it, click here: https://theamelia.co.uk/tw-lit-fest/darren-shan/


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