• Tattoo Tuesday booster

    21 December 2021

    I have a double hitter of photos today.


    First up, a fan called Bret joins the rogues' gallery of Tattoo Tuesday, with this prominent tattoo of my most famous quote, topped with a stylish drawing of a mountain range that will be familiar to anyone who's made the trek to Vampire Mountain!


    The second photo was taken yesterday, when Mrs Shan and I went for our COVID booster jabs. Luckily we didn't have to travel quite as far as Vampire Mountain, as our local doctor's surgery was able to sort us out! It was quick and painless, and hopefully I'll now be able to forge ahead and write up a storm over the winter months, without any virus-generated sick days to stop me in my tracks!! With work on my Archibald Lox series drawing to its end, I'm itching to launch some new books out of the traps...


    Of course, the most recent work I've published is also one of my oldest -- my SHANTA CLAUS short story, which has been an ever-evolving feature on my web site since it first appeared in December 2000!!! It focuses on Shanta going about his annual rounds, and bumping into a surprising number of characters from my books... as well as ME in one meta-tastic section! Click on the following link before I take it down again shortly after Christmas Day: https://darrenshan.com/extras/feature/short-stories-shanta-claus-only-available-at-christmas-yuletide-favourite2



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