• Tattoo Tuesday - Morgan (again!) (and again!!) (and again!!!)

    15 August 2023

    Gadzooks!! He's back!!!


    It's another TATTOO TUESDAY (it's been a while since we had two weeks in a row!), and this weeks since the return (after several previous returns!!) of serial Darren Shan tattoo-lover MORGAN.


    This tattoo was based on the original British cover for Dark Calling, the 8th book of my Demonata series. And it's also the EIGHTH Demonata tattoo that Morgan has committed to!!! He told me a long time ago that he was planning to have TEN tattoos in total, one for each of the Demonata covers. I smiled to myself and muttered, "Yeah, yeah, I'll believe it when I see it!!" But here he is, only two books away from a clean sweep!!!


    Morgan -- you're as crazy as Vancha March, but you're MY Vancha March, and I love you, man -- I LOVE YOU!!!!!


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