• Tattoo Tuesday - Savannah

    14 March 2023

    It's another Tattoo Tuesday, and this week's offering comes to us courtesy of a fan of my books called SAVANNAH ROSE, who opted for a quote taken from Birth Of A Killer, the first book in my Saga Of Larten Crepsley series, which follows the orange-haired vampire over the course of two hundred years, from when he's a human boy until he meets Darren and Steve at the Cirque Du Freak.


    My most famous quote, of course, is "Even in death may you be triumphant," but this one has been cropping up a lot as well in recent years. I must admit, I've been surprised by its popularity -- I would have thought it was a bit too long, running as it does to three sentences, to capture widespread attention as a stand-alone quote. But I guess the sentiment means as much to many of you guys as it did to me. It's not going to seriously rival that other quote at any point, but I'm very pleased that it's travelling far and wide by itself out there, and hopefully bringing hope to people who might, as Larten Crepsley once did, consider themselves beyond hope.


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