• Tattoo Tuesday - Ty returns!

    24 August 2021

    A while back I featured a photo of a very cool tattoo of Steve Leopard (from my Cirque Du Freak books) which a fan called Ty had sent me. It took up half his shin, and was a stunner. But I pointed out at the time that Ty had promised more, and said he planned to get a matching tattoo of Darren on the other half of his shin... and here he is again, back to prove he's a man of his word!!!


    I think this is an absolutely amazing piece of work. I've seen some stunning tattoos over the years, based on my books, and this is right up there with the best of them. I'm including three photos, one from the front showing both tattoos together, one that features the Darren tattoo in closeup, and then a closeup of the Steve tattoo for anyone who might have missed it first time round.


    Mind (well... leg!). Blown.




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