• Teen Librarian interview

    29 July 2021

    I'll be going on a blog tour in the USA during the first two weeks of August (more news about - and links to - that SOON!), but ahead of that I was lucky to be interviewed on the Teen Librarian blog in the UK.


    It's a wide-ranging interview, in which I talk quite a lot about my Archibald Lox series (in particular Book 4, which went on sale at the start of this month), why I've "serialised" the stories of my Zom-B and Archibald Lox series, why the views about libraries of some politicians astonish and disgust me, and how my next career step could see me taking on the challenge of writing... PICTURE BOOKS?!?


    I've got to be joking, right?!? Heh heh!!! Click on this link to find out! http://teenlibrarian.co.uk/2021/07/05/the-archibald-lox-series/


    And if you want to find out more about Archibald Lox and the Forgotten Crypt, including where you can buy it, click here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly


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