• The Breakfast meme

    07 November 2019

    The memes based on Cirque Du Freak and other books of mine keep coming thick and fast, and are proving as popular with my followers as they are with me, so long may it last! :-)


    This one, sent to me by a Twitter follower with the user name of Vampire Council, really struck a chord with me, because I was a big John Hughes fan in my teens. (And still am.) And of all his films, The Breakfast Club is probably the one that moved me the most.


    (Although some of my favourite scenes from any of his films are in Planes, Trains & Automobiles.)


    (And if I could only pick a single film of his to watch over and over again, it would have to be Ferris Bueller's Day Off, which was a joy when I saw it at the cinema on its first release as a teen who went away dreaming of being Ferris Bueller, and remains a joy even though I'm now the age of Ferris's father.)


    But I digress.


    The Breakfast Club. Yeah, it's a great film, especially for those of us who feel like we don't quite fit in with the normal masses. It had a big impact on me, and I think you see very strong echoes of if in characters of mine like Kernel Fleck and B Smith and Bill-E Spleen, and even older characters like Dervish, Mika, Barnes...


    So, enjoy the meme, and I look forward to hearing if you agree with Vampire Council's attribution of the names to the various characters in the film -- I suspect there might be some strong differences of opinion... :-)


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